The church is the best of friends to a benevolent government and the worst of enemies to a tyrannical one. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Pastor Josh McPherson had no choice to but to oppose the lockdowns in his home state of Washington, where he says the abortion centers stayed open but it was “illegal to sing in church for months.” Pastor McPherson, who preaches at a non-denominational church, believes it's time to bring biblical teaching beyond the first century and recognize that the word of God has something to say about “sex, money, power, and politics” in 2024. For too long the state and "Big Gov" have stepped into the lane of the church, and pastors have stayed silent. But Pastor McPherson says the Bible and Jesus Christ’s teachings do not require us to submit to an evil government and that anyone who thinks we must submit to every dictate of our politicians has not studied their Bible OR their U.S. Constitution: “If there’s cowardice in the pulpits, there’ll be evil in the streets.” As America continues to be smacked down by rising inflation, government overreach, the gender debate, and an invasion of migrants creating a crisis on our southern border, Pastor McPherson says it is time to ask: “Does the Bible have anything to say about the clown show we are living in?”
Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio