Onondaga Deputies Handcuff 11-Year-Old Mistaken for Car Thief

Bad Kid

Photo: Getty Images

Onondaga County Sheriff's deputies mistakenly handcuffed an 11-year-old girl on Monday (January 13) in Syracuse after confusing her for a car theft suspect. The deputies were searching for a suspect who allegedly stole a car and fled a traffic stop. The girl, wearing a pink jacket and camo pants, matched the suspect's description, leading to her detainment.

According to WSFA, the girl was walking home from school with friends when deputies stopped her. Despite her friends' protests, the deputies insisted she was the suspect, even showing her a photo for comparison. The girl began to cry as the situation unfolded. Eventually, deputies realized their mistake, noting the actual suspect had longer hair. They apologized, explaining the mix-up was due to the similarity in clothing and proximity to the crime scene.

The incident, captured on video by the girl's cousin, sparked public criticism. The girl's mother expressed her distress, stating, "She no longer wants to walk to and from school anymore." The Onondaga County Sheriff's Office defended the handcuffing, citing policy that detainees are usually handcuffed to prevent potential issues.

Following the incident, the sheriff's office announced a new policy to notify parents or guardians if a juvenile is detained, even briefly, during a criminal investigation. Sheriff Toby Shelley met with the girl's mother to discuss her concerns, calling the conversation productive.

LocalSYR reported that the sheriff's office deemed the detainment lawful and reasonable, given the circumstances. The girl was released after seven minutes once deputies confirmed she was not the suspect.

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