Horse Dies In Town Of Richland, Victim Of West Nile Virus

Town of Richland, N.Y. - Oswego County Health Department says a horse has died in the town of Richland, a victim of the West Nile virus.

They remind horse owners that horses are very vulnerable to mosquito-borne viruses. They encourage owners to get their horse vaccinated for not only west Nile but also Eastern equine encephalitis, or Triple E

Horse owners can provide additional protection by bringing their horses inside the stable during peak periods of mosquito activity and by rubbing down the horse with fly and insect repellent wipes.

Symptoms of these viruses in horses vary greatly, ranging from barely noticeable to signs such as staggering, blindness and unconsciousness. In horses showing visible signs of disease, 50-90% of cases may be fatal.

Little Girl reaching up to stroke her horse on the Nose

Photo: Catherine Falls Commercial / Moment / Getty Images

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