Onondaga County's COVID Numbers Look Good

Syracuse, N.Y. - Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon had some good news regarding new cases in the County today

He said the number of cases stands at 91 which is the lowest in a long time. 125 people are in the hospital, active cases are 2,034 and 1 person died in the past 24 hours.

McMahon said the county's 7-day positivity rate is down to 2.9%

McMahon reacted to Governor Cuomo's announcement that local governments are being given the go-ahead to add some front-line workers to the 1b, such as taxi drivers and restaurant workers.

He said he not ready to make a call on it until he gets more data. McMahon said bringing on more people when the supply is only increased by a few hundred doses a week. He said he's going to take a week to look into this because he said " the last thing I need to do is make a bad situation worse".

He announced that starting tomorrow they will begin to pull names off the "OnList" . The "OnList" is currently full at 10,000 slots. The county will announce soon when spots will be available.

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