Gov Cuomo Issues New Strict Rules

Albany, N.Y. - Governor Cuomo has issued new restrictions today in wake of an increase of cases of COVID in the state. Effective this Friday at 10.

Bars must close at 10 p.m. Curbside food pickup can continue past 10 p.m. Gyms must alos close at 10 p.m.

Cuomo said private gatherings such as parties will be capped at 10 people. That 10 person house party limit also applies to outdoor gatherings like a back yard bonfire.

Cuomo said the state has seen the greatest surges tied to bars and restaurants, private gatherings and gyms, and he is hoping these changes will help curb the tide.

Cuomo cautiously says: "We see the finish line" in COVID, but tamping down outbreaks now is essential 'Run through the tape.. let's just do what we have to do... and then we will rebuild together'"

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