Gov Cuomo Issues New Guidelines For Colleges And Universities

Albany, N.Y. - Gov Cuomo announcing that the state's infection rate continues to be below 1% for the 20th straight day.

He warned however that the rate in Western NY is at 2% and that he said "that is not good news." He is sending a SAWT team fomr the Department Of Health to the region to set up additional testing locations that will provide results in an hour. He said his administration is tracking 53 Covid cases related to food plant south of Buffalo.

He also announced new Covid rules for colleges and universities in New York State. If 100 students or staff test positive, or 5% of a campus population - whichever is less -- the college must go to remote learning for minimum of 2 weeks.

In reagrds to the Department Of Justices request for COVID-19 data, Cuomo said 14 states follow the same guidelines, yet the DOJ is going after four blue states. "This is all politics" he said, "Mr. Barr cannot even spell the word 'justice'"

The investigation by the DOJ, stems from a controversial state health department directive in March,which prohibited a nursing home from denying re-admission or admission to a nursing home based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of the coronavirus.

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