Gov Cuomo Says Bowling Alleys Can Open On Monday, Gyms Not Far Behind

Albany, N.Y. - During Gov Cuomo's conference call today, he announced that beginning Monday Bowling Alleys will be able to open on Monday.

The typical protocals will be in effect. Mask must be worn, only 50% capacity, every other lane will be cloased and bowlers need to remain at their lane. Food and alcohol service will also be limited to wait service.

Cuomo also announced that the protocols for opening up gyms will be released Monday.

Cuomo said the openings are connected to New York's low infection rate. He said yesterday NY conducted over 85,000 coronavirus tests with a .85 % positive rate.

Cuomo said "That is fantastic", and it was the 7th straight day the positive rate is below 1%

Cuomo did warn of COVID19 19 outbreaks at farms. He announced he is dispatching mobile testing to farms in rural areas to combat clusters.

(Getty Images)

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