Gov Cuomo Says NY Schools Can Open In The Fall

Albany, N.Y. - Governor Andrew Cuomo says all school districts in New York state can reopen for in-person classes.

Cuomo says the state's COVID-19 infection rate is the best in the country and "If anybody can open, we can."

He added local school districts need to come up with a remote learning plan and post it online.

Cuomo said that the Health Department will continue to go over plans over the weekend and will notify school districts if their pplans will be approved.

He also said he wants to see schools posting answers to three major questions so parents can see the answers quickly.

How will the schools handle:

  • remote learning plans
  • testing plans
  • contact tracing plans

Gov Cuomo also once again said, everyone needs to remember that each district has come up with its own reopening plan and just because schools have the green light it doesn’t mean all schools are going back to full-time in person learning right away.This is up to the districts.

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