Small Businesses In Central New York Are Getting Some Help Reopening

The Re-Opening of CNY could be tough to manage for small businesses. CenterStateCEO Pres. Rob Simpson explain what they are doing to help!

The off-again, on-again, New York Democratic Presidential Primary remains in court after it was canceled and then reinstated by a judge. Onondaga County Republican Elections Commissioner Michelle Sardo explains how they will handle the upcoming combined State and Federal primary day.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg continues to recover at the Hospital. NBC's Bill Zimpfer checks-in with an update on how she is doing this morning, and what she's been doing to keep up on arguments taking place at the high court.

Former Congresswoman and Congressional candidate Claudia Tenney is concerned about the number of vulnerable adults being killed by the Coronavirus in New York State's nursing homes. She offered some solutions that thee Governor could consider.

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