Man Whose Arrest Went Viral Will Pay A $75 Fine

Syracuse, N.Y. -A Syracuse man, whose loud-music arrest went viral last May , will only pay a fine now.

23 year old Shaolin Moore, 23 was charged with resisting arrest after a confrontation with police that was partially filmed. Police stopped Moore for loud music, and Moore become combative and resistant.

The partial video showed the part of the encounter when Moore was pulled out of his car and forcibly handcuffed. Moore’s lawyers called it police brutality; law enforcement said Moore was resisting.

Moore will pay a $75 fine and have his charges sealed if he stays out of trouble for six months.

Moore’s defense team includes civil lawyers Charles Bonner and Jesse Ryder, as well as criminal lawyer Rome Canzano. They plan to file a lawsuit in early 2020 against police for allegedly violating Moore’s civil rights.

(Getty Images)

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