Former Olympic Hurdler Accused Of Abusing 14 Boys In Syracuse Area

Syracuse, N.Y. - Former Olympic hurdler Conrad Mainwaring, who was arrested in June in Los Angeles on a charge of sexual misconduct is now being accused of molesting 14 boys in the Syracuse area.

ESPN's “Outside the Lines” is publishing a report today that says they have spoken with 14 men who told them they had been sexually abused by Mainwaring when he was in the Syracuse area, including five high schoolers. Most of this happened in the 80's.

Mainwaring was a student at SU.

ESPN, also states Mainwaring was a counselor at Nottingham High School and abused students there.

Chancellor Kent Syverud said the school wasn’t made aware of any allegations against Mainwaring until February of this year. He said he is “grateful to the individuals who have come forward to date" and he strongly encourage anyone else with relevant information to contact them .

(Photo courtesy of L.A.P.D.)

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