Syracuse Police Investigating Suspicious Death Find Drugs And A Gun

Syracuse, N.Y. - Syracuse Police looking into the death of a 48 year old woman came across a lot more.

Police were investigating the suspicious death when they found over 2 ounds of cocaine, Two and half ounces of heroin, some pot and a loaded hangun.

They also found bags and scales indictive of drug sales.

They arrested Jonathan Hidalgo-Hernandez, 26, Renee Reynolds, 25, and Alize Williams, 19.

They all have been charged with the following:

  • First-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance
  • Third-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance (5 counts)
  • Seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance (4 counts)
  • Second-degree criminally using drug paraphernalia (3 counts)
  • Criminal possession of a firearm

Williams and Reynolds were also charged with fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon.

Police have not identified the woman nor her cause of death.

(Getty Images)

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