Chief Promises To Build Trust With Officers

Syracuse, N.Y. - Syracuse's new Police Chief is ready to move forward with his officers.

"I probably could have spent more time with my officers," Syracuse Police Chief Kenton Buckner joining Bob Lonsberry. Buckner talked with Bob about some of the strained relationships between himself and some officers. "In days that I feel taxed in all the different ways that I am being pulled, I have to do a better job of balancing that to make sure [the officers] intimately get to know me and get a good feel for me."

Police Union Officials have complained to Bob in recent weeks that the relationship between officers and Syracuse Top-Cop have soured. Bukner told Bob that overall he doesn't feel that is the case.

Buckner admitted that there have been bumps and bruises along the way, but nothing more than what comes with bringing in an outside leader. He says that he understands and appreciates the anxiety that officers are feeling during this period of transition.

Bukner says that he will continue to try and do a better job building the trust of his officers, and the Syracuse community. One way he will do that, is he will be going through many of the courses with the recruits in the upcoming Police Academy. Buckner needs to go through some training to qualify as a police officer in New York State and will use the opportunity to get a first-hand look at how rookie officers are being trained.

Listen Below to Bob's complete conversation with Syracuse Police Chief Kenton Buckner:

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