Rep. Katko Holds Meeting On Interstate 81 Future

Auburn, N.Y. - Congressman John Katko holds a meeting on the future of Interstate 81.

Dozens of people were at last night's event to share their thoughts about what should happen with the highway. The road needs to be replaced and there's debate over whether a tunnel or street-level community grid would be the best option.

Most folks at last night's meeting said they were against the grid idea, claiming it'll mean longer commute times. Some also raised concerns about increased tractor-trailer traffic in the surrounding areas.

Congressman Katko says he won't endorse any plan until he hears from everyone involved.

A second meeting will be held 10:00 a.m. Saturday at the DeWitt Town Hall. More meetings in Syracuse and Salina are planned for later this month.

Dave Allen spoke on the topic with Congressman Katko on the Morning Show.

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