CNY Public TV Head On 570 WSYR Morning Show

WCNY, Central New York’s public broadcaster, announced Thursday that President & CEO Robert J. Daino is ending his 13-year term as President & CEO to pursue other opportunities, effective July 31. Daino talked about his decision Friday morning on NewsRadio 570 WSYR.

The Board of Trustees voted to honor Daino’s service by appointing him as WCNY’s first Director Emeritus of the Board of Trustees, to help ensure WCNY’s entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, and growth continues.

Effective Aug. 1, the WCNY Board of Trustees have named Caroline Basso WCNY Interim President & CEO.

Basso brings 16 years of advancement, major and planned giving, membership, grants, community engagement, finance, and senior leadership experience along with strong project management and content strategy expertise. She is currently WCNY’s Vice President, Development & Engagement. Prior to her appointment at WCNY, she held the positions of Director of Development & Marketing and Director of Finance and Institutional Grants at sister station WSKG in Binghamton. Additionally, she serves as a member of the PBS Development Advisory Committee.

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