Syracuse Diocese Compensation Program Announced

Bishop Robert Cunningham of the Catholic Diocese of Syracuse announced today the establishment of a voluntary Independent Reconciliation Compensation Program or IRCP for survivors of sexual abuse from members of the clergy.

The IRCP will be administered by Kenneth Feinberg and Camille Biros. well known for handling other victim compensation programs  such as, the 9/11 tragedy, the BP oil spill and more recently the IRCP programs offered in three downstate dioceses.

Bishop Cunningham stated, “There is no question we have made missteps in handling this crisis...As we begin this Lenten season, we must continue to seek forgiveness as a Church and seek reconciliation for those who have been hurt.”

“In administering this program in now four dioceses, we have witnessed the reaction of the survivors. They have seen the Church’s desire to right the wrongs of the past”, said Mr. Feinberg.

The diocese will not use any monies donated by the people, instead they will be using money from its general liability insurance program.

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