All Saints Episcopal Church in Fulton will host an organ recital on FridayOctober 20th at 7pm featuring guest organist Alan Lynch. The event isfree to the public to attend and a free will offering will be taken tobenefit the All Saints Tuesday Night Dinner program.About Alan Lynch:
Alan currently serves as the Organist and Director of Music at theCathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Syracuse. He is also theOrganist and Choirmaster of Church of the Savior Episcopal Church inSyracuse as well. Alan is currently pursuing a master’s degree in organ atSyracuse University under the direction of Dr. Anne LaverAbout the Great Organ:The organ at All Saints was originally built in 1930 by the Estey OrganCompany. In 1960 it was rebuilt and enlarged by the Delaware Organ
Company from Tonawanda, NY. It has 21 ranks plus chimes. The organcontains close to 2000 pipes with the largest being as long as 16 feet and
the smallest being the size of a pencil.