Syracuse, N.Y. - The Democrats in Onondaga County have a new legislative plan they are introducing, but first they need to get elected.
"This is a cry to get folks out, to get folks to vote, and to get folks elected," says the Democrat Floor Leader of Onondaga County Legislature Linda Ervin. "People tend to vote for the President, the Governor, and they forget about the local races. If they live in the city they vote for the Mayor but they forget about the County Race."
'The Plan of the People, for the People' is a multi-point plan that focuses on reforms, government accessibility, and economic opportunity.
Ervin says she is confidant that their legislative agenda will resonate with voters throughout the County. "We're looking at things through the lens of 'what do the people want,' and they've told us in this plan that they want and we want to make sure we try to give them what they want. We're elected by the people to do their business. Not out business."
Republicans hold a super-majority on the County Legislative body. The Democrats would need to go from four seats to nine seats to take a majority.
Below is the Legislative Agenda for the Democratic Caucus of the County Legislature:
Reform and Accountability
Enact 8 year Term Limits for County Offices
Enact Fair and Non-Partisan Redistricting eliminating Partisan Gerrymandering
Hold regularly scheduled town halls throughout County
Hold Nighttime meetings of the County Legislature with livestream access following open meeting lawsEconomic Opportunity
Enact A living wage for County Employees and Contractors
Encourage reliable, high-speed access to entire County
Negotiate a fair and equitable Sales tax distribution
Reform the County IDA discouraging giveaways to large corporations on the backs of the middle class.Environmental Sustainability
Make Onondaga County a home for Green Jobs
Modernize our County Sustainability plan which has been ignored for too long
Ervin says that they will discuss and take up each of the issues of their agenda but admits that some of the 'Reform and Accountability' items may take more time. Redistricting doesn't happen until after the 2020 Census and current proposals about term limits to the County Legislature haven't been discussed.