Skaneateles, N.Y. – The Onondaga County Department of Health has confirmed that poisonous Blue-Green Algae blooms are present in Skaneateles Lake but still contend that it is not posing a risk to Syracuse's drinking water.
Tests came back from the State DEC which shows that there are elevated levels of toxins in the lake water but no toxins have been found in the water supply. The Health Department is warning those that draw their own water from the lake not to drink it. They also advise against swimming in the lake where you can see algae blooms or surface scum.
Pondscum can cause skin irritation and if swallowed in can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and it can be deadly to animals.
County Heath Department Officials say they will continue to monitor the public water supply until the blue-green algae blooms dissipate.