Katko Agrees With Trump But Has Concerns

U.S. Representative John Katko says that he supports the intention of Donald Trump's latest executive order but has concerns.  Sunday Katko said that Trump's banning travel of people from seven mostly Muslim countries into the states was an effort to keep terrorism off our shores, which he supports.  Katko said he has concerns that the executive order may prevent lawful entry of permanent residents and dual citizens.  Katko called for better screening measures in place to allow peaceful refugees to enter our country.

Katko posted a statement on Facebook early Monday. "Through my work on the House Homeland Security Committee, I have come to the distinct conclusion that ISIS and other bad actors are trying to infiltrate the West through the refugee process. Indeed, we saw this come to fruition with the attacks on Paris last year. In this heightened threat environment, we must be ever vigilant to ensure all individuals entering this country are properly vetted. I believe the President's intent was to accomplish that goal. However, I have concerns with this executive order, including the fact that it could potentially deny entrance to our country to lawful, permanent residents and dual citizens.

We should be a nation that accepts refugees and those fleeing oppression, but appropriate screening procedures need to be in place. On Homeland Security, I have consistently been supportive of appropriate, thoughtful policy to strengthen our vetting procedures and ensure the safety of the American people. I am confident that we can work in Congress to produce a more streamlined vetting process for refugees entering our country."

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