Fayetteville-Manlius School District's School Lunch Manager Arrested

Manlius, N.Y. - The Fayetteville-Manlius School District's School Lunch Manager has been arrested

Manlius Police say 43 year old Adam Jarosz of Manlius used FM School District funds to purchase food and equipment for his own business, Café Jarosz.

An investigation found that he ripped the school district off for around $45,000.

Jarosz resigned as the School Lunch Manager, just before his arrest.

Jarosz was arrested and charged with the following:

• Grand Larceny 3rd degree a class D felony

• Criminal Possession of Stolen Property a class D felony

• Falsifying Business Records a class A misdemeanor

empty school cafeteria serving line

Photo: Catherine McQueen / Moment / Getty Images

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