Gov Cuomo Announces the Loosening Of COVID Restrictions

Albany, N.Y. - Governor Cuomo announcing today that nursing home visitation will resume Friday.

Testing will be based on the positivity rate of the surrounding area and whether visitors have been vaccinated. Less than 5%, no COVID test required ahead of a visit. If it's between 5% -10%, testing required 72 hours in advance and above 10%, visitation will not be allowed

He said Health Department will be coming up with guidelines for all billiards and pool hall so they can reopen after they won a lawsuit against the Governor's administration.

Starting \March 15th, wedding venues and other catered events can operate at 50-percent capacity with a maximum of 150 guests.

Cuomo also hinted that if they can so safely, he felt that they will hold the Great New York State Fair this year.

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