Crouse, St Joe's, Announcing Restrictions In Visitations

Syracuse, N.Y. - Visitation is being paused again at all of Syracuse's hospitals.

Crouse Hospital has also announced that they are implementing visitation restrictions as well. Visitation is paused in all areas of the hospital, with the exception of the Emergency Department, Maternity, and NICU. Special circumstances are being made for patients receiving end-of-life care or who have cognitive issues and developmental disabilities. The change is effective immediately

St. Joseph’s Health Hospital will pause visitation starting on Friday. The exceptions are similar. They include Mother/Baby Unit, End of Life Care, Pediatric Patients, Emergency Department, Discharges, and Patients for whom a support person is essential

Upstate University Hospital has already announced they will only allow visitors under a strict set of circumstances. The new rules were imposed after Onondaga County reported a record number of new coronavirus cases. Exceptions to the visitation rules include situations involving end-of-life decisions or parents accompanying pediatric patients.

Visitors to all of the region's hospitals should still anticipate COVID-19 screening. The pause in visitation is in place until further notice.

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