Gov Cuomo Announces 10 More States On Quarantine List

Albany, N.Y. - Gov Cuomo giving his briefing in a conferance call today announced that he is adding 10 more states to the quarantine list.







North Dakota




Cuomo said their metrics indicate that have too high an infection rate. Minnesota comes off the list. That brings the total of states on the list to 31

Cuomo also talked about the reopening or bars and issues the state is having with them. He said the state never ok'd the reopening of "bars", he says they authorized the reopening of indoor and outdoor "dining". He noted that NYS gives a single license given to bar/restaurants. "We said outdoor dining is allowed ... Outdoor dining is not a bar operation.

And he continuned to bang the drum of wearing a mask, even telling Politicans and members of the Federal Government that they will be held to the mask order as well if they come to New York.

Only 2 people died yesterday from Covid in New York State.

(Photo Courtesy Of Gov Cuomo's Office)

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