Typically, I get my jollies by bashing the Democrats. (After all, when Democrats are in charge stupid things happen)
But today I want to switch things up and go after my Republicans.
For several years, our unwavering party line was we want to get rid of Obamacare.
We were really good at repeating rhetoric, and one day I think we held three or four thousand different votes to repeal it in Congress.
We claimed that we needed to repeal it and replace it because we could do better, and then something funny happened.
Last November, we won the election.
We got Congress and we got the White House because America agreed that they thought we could do better.
But now it’s kind of like a dog chasing a car; once you catch it, what are you going to do with it?
Now we’re in the position of, “uh oh, we actually have to do something.”
And it’s pretty embarrassing, as a Republican, to see ever-clearer day by day that my party and its leaders had apparently put no thought whatsoever into what to do once they caught the Obamacare car.
Some of what Obamacare does is pretty easy to refute.
For example, as I said yesterday, the government has no business telling what you have to buy.
But there are other pieces, like staying on your parent’s insurance until you’re 26, that people seem to like and that may be salvageable.
I’m just baffled and upset that as a party, we managed to campaign (and win) on replacing Obamacare without actually formulating a viable plan to do so.
It does not reflect well on my precious Republican brand, and so today it’s not you Democrats who are the dummies, it’s us.