Bob Lonsberry

Bob Lonsberry

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No One Is Losing Health Insurance

There’s been a lot of discussion over the past few days about this claim that if the Republican health care bill passes, 14 million Americans will lose care.

That’s false.

14 million Americans will not lose care, they will gain freedom.

Almost all of those people are part of a group that is currently compelled to buy health insurance by the federal government mandate concocted as part of Obamacare.

They will not, therefore, be losing health care but rather gaining the choice that has been taken from them as a result of government overreach.

If you want to buy insurance, go right ahead.

But if you don’t, don’t.

You must be prepared to deal with the consequences of being uninsured, of course, but it’s called freedom.

And freedom is kind of what this whole America thing used to be about.

The thing that’s always bothered me the most about Obamacare is that it established the precedent that the government can order you to buy something.

If you don’t want to buy the something, that’s too bad.

A large fine is imposed through your income tax for daring not to comply, which strikes me as decidedly un-American.

Your health care should be your business, not the government’s.

If you do decide not to purchase coverage, those medical bills are on you, but that’s a consequence of a freely made decision on your part.

Don’t fall for the lie being perpetuated by the evening news.

Nobody’s losing insurance; an awful lot of people are regaining their freedom.

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