Bob Lonsberry

Bob Lonsberry

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Transgender Bathrooms

Here’s yet another reason to be glad Trump won the presidency:

The Department of Education and Department of Justice are going to begin clawing back a Barack Obama order involving transgender students in public schools across America.

Obama ordered that transgender students be allowed to use the restroom and shower facility of whatever gender they identify with, and that said identification could change every day, and that said students didn’t need to dress in the fashion of the gender they claimed to be eligible to switch bathrooms.

So essentially, a 14-year old boy could show up and claim to be a girl and had to be given access to the girls’ locker room.

And then tomorrow he could just as easily show up and claim to be back to being a boy.

According to Obama, that was a protected privilege for all public school students.

In reality, it’s just a problem waiting to happen.

The Obama plan also specifically forbade any other type of accommodation, such as a private bathroom for transgender students which would protect not only their privacy but the privacy of their classmates.

That was seen as discriminatory.

The Trump administration is now saying this is a state and local issue, not a federal issue, and they’re going to withdraw this nonsensical federal order.

That’s a great idea.

Now in New York, we’ll probably keep the Obama way.

After all, we’re the progressive capital of the nation and when Democrats are in charge stupid things happen.

But in most of the America, they’ll be able to come up with legitimate accommodations like the one referenced earlier so that everyone’s privacy is respected.

The interests of the majority will be protected, instead of being rendered subservient to the interests of the minority.

And that’s just one more reason I’m glad Trump won.

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