Bob Lonsberry

Bob Lonsberry

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An Immigration Misstep

You know I love Trump, and you know I love his immigration policy, but I think there’s been a mistake made in recent days.

It’s about that situation in California where an illegal alien woman was convicted of identity theft several years ago, after using a bogus social security number to get a job.

She was told she had to check in with immigration every six months, and last week she went and did as she was supposed to…but when she checked in, they took her into custody and deported her.

Her husband, an American citizen, and her two children, also American citizens, were on the news explaining that they’re all just trying to be good people and they hope there’s a way for this to be worked out.

Now me, I’m as anti-illegal immigrant as the day is long, but I also hope that this situation can be worked out.

I want to deport criminal aliens, but I want the crimes to be a little more crime-like than this.

Those who are selling drugs, committing rapes and robberies, engaging in violence…kick them the hell out.

But I want our policy, and this latest crackdown, to have an element of judgment…and in that judgment, I’d like to see an aspect of reasonable compassion.

This lady did wrong when she used the fake social security number, but she did wrong in order to secure employment and support herself and her family.

I think she ought to get credit for that.

Likewise, she ought to credit for following the rules afterward.

She had been told she had to check in every six months, and over a period of years she did just that.

I believe that shows good faith and I believe we should show good faith in return.

There are an awful lot of illegals I’d like to deport based on their criminal conduct…but this lady isn’t one of them.

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