Bob Lonsberry

Bob Lonsberry

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What's The Plan Progressives?

Where do the progressives want this to go?

As the Democrat party and its financial masters have announced that they reject the outcome of November’s freely held national election, and are going to engage in obstruction and protest and rejection of this new administration, you begin to wonder how far they want things to go.

We’ve already been told there will be protests in major cities every weekend.

And now many cities, including Syracuse, have announced that there will be “Trump Tuesday” gatherings every week designed to arouse and express resistance of the Trump administration as well.

It looks to me an awful lot like 1861, when the Democrats didn’t care much for the recent election results either, and not long after that the secessionist movement emerged.

What is the plan for this modern progressive secessionist movement?

Is there some non-geographic civil war they have in mind?

Will there be a progressive capital established in Manhattan, Chicago, or Palo Alto?

When you have the most senior members of the Democrat party claim that the election of Donald Trump was illegitimate, when you have U.S. Senators refuse to participate in hearings and thereby block confirmation votes and prevent the senate from functioning properly, when you have vast amounts of money being poured into the effort to bring thousands of people to the streets in protest…what is the end game?

Where do you want this to go?

The last time progressives did this was in 1917 against a guy named Nicholas over in Russia.

So my question is, in this current progressive civil war, where do you ultimately want this all to lead?

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