Whitesboro Social Studies Teacher Arrested for Forcibly Touching 2 Girls

Whitesboro, N.Y. - A Social Studies teacher at Owen D. Young Central School in Whitesboro has been arrested for sexual abuse.

State Police say 29 year old Cory Patterson, is charged with forcibly touching two female victims, ages 14 and 17 at the school in December.

He's charged with

  • Two counts of Forcible touching (class “A” misdemeanor)
  • Sexual abuse 3rd degree (class “B” misdemeanor)
  • Act in Manner Injure a Child less than 17 (class “A” misdemeanor)

Patterson was arraigned and released on his own recognizance to return to Town of Stark court on January 17.


Photo: D-Keine / iStock / Getty Images

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