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The spread of the flu virus continues to remain low in the Central New York region, according to new data. The county with the highest number of cases in the latest update was Oneida County, which reported 17 cases. This was followed by Onondaga County with six cases and Madison County with four infections. The data was collected and compiled by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), which monitors flu activity year-round and produces a weekly report during the flu season from October through May. According to the NYSDOH, the flu surveillance season has been extended beyond May due to persisting elevated influenza activity throughout New York State.
In response to the low but present flu activity, residents are being urged to get a flu shot before cases likely surge during the winter months. Immunization clinics are available across the region, with appointments available by calling the respective county health departments. In Madison County, for example, residents can call 315-366-2361 to make an appointment for a flu shot. More information about the clinics can be found on the county's official website. A comprehensive list of immunization sites across the country can also be found at