Wampsville, N.Y. - Madison County Clerk's office is advising any notary in the state that may be up for renewal soon to not attempt to renew through the new Department of State's online portal that goes live tomorrow, February 1st.
They say a renewal done through the State's portal would be in violation of written law by bypassing the County Clerk's office and therefore they say it won't be valid.
They site the following:
According to New York Consolidated Laws, Executive Law - EXC § 131:
Procedure of appointment; fees and commissions; fee payment methods 7. Applicants for reappointment of a notary public commission shall submit to the county clerk with their application the oath of office, duly executed before any person authorized to administer an oath, together with their signature. 8. Upon being satisfied of the completeness of the application for reappointment, the county clerk shall issue a commission to such persons; and the official signature of the applicants and the oath of office filed with such applications shall take effect. 9. The county clerk shall receive a non-refundable application fee of sixty dollars from each applicant for reappointment, which fee shall be submitted together with the application. No further fee shall be paid for the issuance of the commission.
Instead they are asking those who need to renew their notary to do so as they have been doing, with your County Clerk.
Photo: Getty Images