NYS Bans All Live Fowl Shows And Exhibitions Due To Avian Influenza

Albany, N.Y. - The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets today announced that it has issued an order banning all live fowl shows and exhibitions in New York to help prevent the spread of avian influenza or bird flu. The avian flu has already spread to 17 states, including NY and looks like it will continue to expand.

Commissioner Richard A. Ball said "Our poultry industry is a significant part of New York’s agricultural industry and steps like these are our best line of defense against the disease.”

Department officials are reaching out to poultry and egg farms across the state to ensure best practices are being implemented and to prepare for potential additional avian influenza cases in New York.

The ban will remain in effect until further notice.

No word on what effect it might have on the New York State Fair and its exhibitions.

chickens brown and white color in handmade chicken tractor on grass outdoor. family farming

Photo: Getty Images

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