Syracuse, N.Y. - Day 7 of the Robert Neulander murder trial is in the books.
Today the jury heard from just one witness, Kenneth Martin a bloodstain pattern expert. Martin spent time explaining to the jury the various types of bloodstains in detail.
Martin was asked about a large bloodstain on the floor to the right of Leslie Neulander's bed. The defense claims it occurred while Leslie's body rested on the EMT's backboard. Martin said Leslie was not bleeding enough at the time for that to be true.
DA Bill Fitzpatrick asked how it would be possible that there were no bloodstains on the bedsheets. Martin responds that they would most likely have been changed.
Martin also testified that the blood stains on the bedroom carpet appear to be going from the bed area toward the bathroom. Robert Neulander has previously stated those stains were caused by him carrying Leslie from the bathroom toward the bed.
Robert Neulander is accused of killing his wife Leslie in 2012. He claims she died after falling in the shower.
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