Onondaga County COVID-19 Cases Tick Down A Little But Still High

Syracuse, N.Y. - Onondaga County continues to see high COVID case numbers but they did tick down slightly today.

Onondagas County Executive Ryan McMahon said today there were 1,673 new cases reported. Yesterday saw a record high, 2,355 and Saturday it was 1,585. There are 219 in the hospital with 38 in ICU.

8 more people died over the weekend, 4 men in their 60's, 80's and 90's and 2 women in their 60's and 80's. The state reported 2 nursing home deaths.

Onondaga County is holding a booster clinic tomorrow at the Tucker Missionary Baptist Church on Oakwood Avenue in Syracuse.

The Pfizer and Moderna Booster Clinic will take place from 9 - 3.

Registration an be done here: https://covid19.ongov.net/vaccine/booster-screening-form/

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