Albany, N.Y -New York Attorney General Letitia James announced today she is suing a landlord with properties in Syracuse.
According to the lawsuit, John Kiggins and his company, Endzone Properties repeatedly violated lead paint laws and failed to address lead paint hazards, which resulted in the lead poisoning of 18 children living in Endzone properties in Syracuse.
The AG's investigation found that over a period of more than 6 years the children were poisoned by lead paint while residing in 17 of Endzone’s estimated 89 properties.
The City of Syracuse and Onondaga County has flagged at least 32 Endzone properties for having conditions conducive to lead poisoning.
Kiggins and Endzone also failed to disclose their knowledge of lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards at these properties to tenants and buyers.
The lawsuit marks the third action by Attorney General James in recent weeks to address childhood exposure to lead paint in low-income and communities of color throughout New York state.
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