Syracuse Police Chief Kenton Buckner Can't Pass Physical Fitness Test

Syracuse, N.Y. - Syracuse Police Chief Kenton Buckner has announced that he will stop pursuing New York State police officer certification

Buckner will continue the job in a "civilian capacity," not wearing a police uniform because he is unable to pass the physical fitness test. Buckner said he realized he would not be able to pass the required mile and a half run in 12 minutes and 30-some odd seconds that is part of the certification process. He says he can do the necessary sit-ups and push-ups, but cannot complete the run while doing so.

Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh released a statement saying

"As I said a year ago, Chief Buckner has my support as chief of police regardless of New York State certification, which is not a requirement of the job. I did not consider his pace for a mile and a half run when I hired him and I do not measure his performance by that now. I look forward to continuing to work with Chief Buckner to keep our City safe, enhance police accountability and improve police-community relations.”

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