Gov Cuomo's Plan To Attack Hotspots, Adds A State To Travel Advisory List

Albany, N.Y. - New York is identifying six COVID-19 clusters, and business closures could go into effect as soon as tomorrow in Brooklyn, Queens, and parts of the Mid-Hudson.

Governor Andrew Cuomo says this includes one larger cluster in Brooklyn, two smaller ones in Queens, and then one in each of Rockland and Orange Counties, with a lower-level "yellow" cluster in Binghamton.

The state is following a model that identifies the center of the cluster as "red", then goes outward with "orange" and "yellow" levels of infection, represented by circles on a map.

As soon as tomorrow closures can begin for non-essential businesses in the red and orange areas, while max capacity is being cut for houses of worship, and only take-out dining is permitted in the "red" section. Friday is the latest that non-essential businesses can close in the "red" section of the cluster. It's up to local leaders at this point.

Governor Cuomo says houses of worship are clear sources of spread, adding he spoke to religious leaders this morning. Many of the cluster neighborhoods include Orthodox Jewish communities.

The state of New Mexico has been added to the travel advisory list. No states were removed. There are currently 35 states and territories impacted by the advisory.

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