Barlow Seeks Crackdown On Blight, Drugs In State of the City Address

Oswego, N.Y. - Following a busy first term, Oswego Mayor Billy Barlow focused his fifth State of the City Address on the many ongoing and forthcoming projects in his City.

Barlow also introduced new initiatives aimed at improving the business environment, neighborhoods and the quality of life for those living there. Among them is a proposal to ban 'For Rent' signs. The same proposal will also ban plywood from being used to board up windows and doors.

There will be some new initiatives for the Oswego Police Department. Barlow announced that combating combating the presence of drugs in the community would be a major focus of his second term, and the city would increase its financial commitment to the drug task force He is seeking a grant to potentially hire two additional officers to supplement the newly announced Neighborhood Engagement Team and the Oswego County Drug Task Force.

Meantime, Barlow is hoping to hire another police investigator to meet the state's new bail reform requirements.

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