Central New Yorkers are winning the battle against cervical cancer.
According to Excellus Blue Cross/Blue Shield, diagnoses of cervical cancer have shrunk from 1300 in 1976 to 800 in 2016, with cancer deaths down from 500 then to 250 now. Medical Director Dr. Robert Lockwood credits regular "Pap" tests for early detection of cervical cancer, which can now often be treated in an outpatient procedure. Lockwood also says the vaccine for HPV, which causes cervical cancer, can reduce by 70 percent the chances they will ever get cervical cancer.
Lockwood says the current recommendations are for the HPV vaccine to be given to boys and girls starting at age 11 or 12, but it can be given to someone as late as 26. Women no longer need Pap tests annually, but should get them every 3 years beginning at age 21 until 65.