Buffalo Congressman Takes Shots at SAFE Act

Congressman Chris Collins

Buffalo, N.Y. – A Buffalo Congressman says he is proposing a bill that would gut the New York SAFE Act passed in the wake of the Newtown school shootings. 

Congressman Chris Collins says that his "Second Amendment Guarantee Act" blocks state and local gun laws from being tougher than federal rules.

In New York the bill would curtail the law's marquee ban on Assault Weapons and round limits for shotguns and rifles with non-tubular magazines.  It would not impact the round limit in the magazine for a hand gun or the background check for ammunition sales that has yet to be implemented.

Cuomo, who is reportedly fuming over the Collin’s Bill, argues that the SAFE Act keeps assault weapons out of New York, blocks guns from reaching the mentally ill and bans high-capacity magazines, while protecting gun rights.  He warns that the Collins bill puts New Yorkers in danger.

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